Zathura A Loonatic Adventures/Rise of the Guardtoons is upcoming episode of MAD (Revival Series)
- MADvent Calender
- Wednesday, 8:56 PM: Encanto Became A Box Office Bomb
- Friday, 6:00 AM: The Algustin Tower Became Destroyed
- Monday, 8:30 AM: The MAD Studio Lot Is Now in Ruins Due to The Earthquake and something atfer the earthquake like this.
- Opening Sequence
- Zathura A Loonatic Adventure (Movie Parody of Zathura A Space Adventure/TV Parody of Loonatics Unleashed)
- Animated Marginals: A Man Digs Until Arrives to China
- Sleeping with The Red Monster (Animated By Mike Wartella)
- Blum Yogurt (Parody of Rayman) (Ad Parodies segment)
- You're Fired and You're Time to Punch Out (Animated by Greg Miller)
- Rejected Looney Tunes Characters (Rejected segment)
- Wabbit in The Line on Shot (Cartoon)
- Space Jam Character Mix-Up (Parody of Space Jam)
- Rice Shreks (Ad Parodies segment)
- Spy vs. Spy: Tower Under Constrution (Black and White Spy Loses) (Spot Motion Cartoon)
- Animated Marginals: A Girl Comes Chating in the Car But Crashed
- Rise of the Guardtoons (Movie Parody of Rise of The Guardians)
- Credits
- 5-second cartoon (from Zathura A Loonatic Adventure) The Oirginal and Looney Tunes Inspired Villans Are In Jail and Mastermind Say To Massive Well ''Well We Here in The Jail for 1000 Years for Fault'' and Massive Say What
- Chris Cox - Sylvester, Massive, Sypher, Tom Cat, Walter
- Rob Paulsen - Rev Runner
- Kevin Micheal Richarson - Tech E Coyote, Slam Tasmanian
- Jason Marsden - Danger Duck, Danny
- Candi Milo - Zadavia, Stomper's Mom
- Rachel Ramras - Lexi Bunny, Mastermind, Wheater Vane
- Kevin Shinick - Ace Bunny, Otto the Odd, Time Skip, Optimatus, Rupes Oberon, The Ringmaster, Opichicus Sam, Pierre Le Pew, Gorlop, Electro J Fudd, Melvin The Martain, Stoney the Stone, Bugsy The Bug. Bootes Belinda, Pinkster Pig, Tweety Bird, Sagittarius Stomper, Pepe Le Pew, Jack Frost
- John Dimaggio - North
- Jeff Bergman - Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, Sylth Vester, The Royal Tweetums
- Tara Storng - Queen Grannicus, Lola Bunny
- This Is the first time went Loonatics Unleashed, and Space Jam and only time went Zathura A Space Adventure, Felix the Cat, Betty Boop, and Woody Woodpecker showed up
- This Episode marks the Re-Appearence of Looney Tunes, Mickey Mouse, Rise of the Guardians, Shrek,
- Rob Paulsen, Jason Marsden, Kevin Micheal Richarson, and Candi Milo reprise their roles as Rev, Slam, Tech, Duck, and Zadavia
- Charile Schlatter and Jessica DiCicco are weren't available to voice Ace and Lexi at this time, so Ace's voiced by Kevin Shinick and Lexi's voiced by Rachel Ramras
- This is the second episode with 2 Bunko Studios segments, the first was: